Why access your own Akashic Records? Part 3 of 5

Why access your Akashic Records?

They are one of the most empowering, healing and transformational modalities I have trained and worked with over the last 15 years and here’s why from my experience:

  • Receive the answers to your deepest questions in your life about any challenges you are/have experienced AND understand it from a higher perspective which is hugely healing. I have experienced this personally and honoured to hold space for others which have created huge shifts in their lives.

  • Gain insight from your Soul’s perspective in your path and purpose in this lifetime. Usually this validates your own inner knowing so you can more deeply embody it, coming into greater alignment experiencing more flow, ease and more fulfilment. A transforming part of my Soul purpose offering is support others in activating their purpose, signing their souls highest contract and accessing their Souls Mission. This is for those called to upgrade their life and step into their next level.

  • Understand and remember who you truly are and here to be, we have so many layers of conditioning to release so we can shine and express ourselves. We often get so lost in what the world has told us about ourselves, who we are, who we should be, what we should do. Who are we truly? Have you ever asked “who am I when I take away what the world has told me about myself”? We have all been influenced and taken on programming from a young age, absorbing without reasoning or critically thinking about it ( we are in a theta brain state until around seven years, without our critical factor engaged, absorbing everything subconsciously and stored as beliefs, these programs tare like software running quietly in the back of our mind. When we reconnect with our Soul we can realign to our uniqueness and authenticity, remember who we truly are, make decisions and move through life in an aligned way.

  • Being in the records can support with tapping into and refining your intuition, understand how you receive more clearly so you can be Soul, internally/ self led and trust yourself more deeply which is what we are needing as our world is shifting.

  • Tune into your business Akashic records- yes it has a Soul too and wants to be connected to, listen and collaborated with. Receive answers to the highest offers in line with your purpose and your contribution to the world, how you can streamline your business, direction into marketing, your message. How you can receive aligned Soul clients, create more income ect.

  • This one is huge! Energetically clear obstacles blocks limitations keeping you from living your intentional life. The results I have personally had and clients have had with clearing energetic past life vows, cords, agreements, Soul contracts, ancestor patterns, karmic patterns are transformative. After some time I have realised this is because we are tuning into the issues at the highest level, in the Akashic Realm and records. I can access what it is at the core, the root issue quickly. It is high frequency, I channel codes to heal, upgrade working quickly on the issue. This modality is transformative both for personal and entrepreneurs so you can work at the energetic level to clear what no longer serves you-even when like myself and many others you have done a crap load of personal development, tried all the modalities and it helps but still having the issue.

Remember you can access them yourself, see the next post in “how”.

I love offering private sessions and mentoring if you want support and guidance, I invite you to check out the details on my website.

xx Lisa


Who can access your Akashic Records? Part 4 of 5


Where are the Akashic Records? Part 2 of 5