Who can access your Akashic Records? Part 4 of 5

WHO can access your akashic records?

Have you wondered if anyone can just tune in and access your akashic records? These are sacred and you can access your own records any time you like, others truly do have to have your permission.

You were born with natural abilities to access your own records, they are there to support you in this journey. It is simple to access especially as you raise your frequency and consciousness and can “hold” the frequency for longer periods.

Permission is needed to open and access others records. The Akashic guardians will only grant access to those with pure heart and intention, your records are protected and safe. This is beautiful and sacred work. So you can access them yourself anytime anywhere and IF you give permission for another to open your records they can do so if in integrity.

More and more people are being called to the wisdom of the records over the last few years. Four years ago it wasn’t a well know modality and twenty years ago when I was beginning to work with energy it was only come across occasionally.

As the veil is thinning and the vibration of our planet is rising I have found that others are able to access their records, their Guides and intuition with more ease. As we are personally and collectively shifting into a better earth, often described as the new earth, Golden/Aquarian age we are experiencing a expansion of our consciousness. A stronger calling to our intuition, a calling to be aligned with our Soul’s purpose, and an increase in people experiencing psychic phenomena. With the last few years of events we as a collective have had a pause, we are reevaluating and questioning our life, values, what is true for us. The reality of our planet at this point in time and how our choices is negatively contributing and affecting it.

You can access your akashic records to help you heal, come into alignment and expansion, it is an empowering modality for EVERYONE to access personally and a great additional modality for light workers leaders, coaches, creatives, spiritual practitioners, healers to incorporate in their work.

The next blog in this series is the last part five, how to access your akashic records.

Lisa xx


How you can access your Akashic Records. Part 5 of 5 Akashic records series


Why access your own Akashic Records? Part 3 of 5