I am a mother to two great kids who keep my husband’s and I life full. We enjoy and love living on the Gold Coast in Australia. 

My energetic signature includes a life path three and expression four in numerology and a Taurean sun, a curious Gemini moon and Scorpio rising in astrology. My approach is practical, warm, inspiring, loving, steady and deep, beautifully blending the practical with the spiritual/ esoteric. 

Emphasising my innate intuitive gifts, my love learning and sharing deep truths and information with a nurturing, loving and grounded nature are my King of clubs card with a four of hearts personality.

I am an intuitive guide and spiritual mentor, an intuitive purpose and clarity coach, numerologist, astrologer and energy healer. The Soul Expanded Woman Podcast was created and birthed January 2025 and is about spiritual life and business to help expand your soul.

My approach and lens is an intuitive, healing and an evolutionary one. I’ve certified and studied many modalities including mindset coaching (YSM) , hypnotherapy, T.I.M.E techniques, yoga teaching, vibrational healing, psychic mediumship (Lisa Williams school) , clinical aromatherapy, massage therapy, energy healing and have loved supporting thousands of women for over 20  years.

Expanding, learning, growing I am a forever student of life. I love learning and going deep, lets just say I have limited the book purchasing and courses for a while!

I combine empowering and transformational healing modalities, energy work, intuition utlising them daily to both support myself in my own inner work and alignment and others in their journey.

The last seven years has been a particularly intense journey and another higher level of awakening as I totally surrendered when my plans continued to not work out. Imagine “hands up to the Universe” feeling quite defeated and asked to be shown the way, the way to have my baby and older child at home and sharing my purpose work helping others whilst contributing financially to our family. I have been on a huge Soul growth journey, raising my own consciousness, deeper awakening, looking at and facing the old traumas and shadow work I wasn’t prepared to do years before. Refining my innate talents, strengths and skills, learning brand new ones and have now created heartfelt offerings that are a sacred and Soulful contribution online and look forward to continual evolving and sharing through my sacred business container.

I believe our planet is rising in frequency and currently in a process of releasing the old paradigm and we are in a shift in a better new world. Our collective has been transitioning through the chaos as we release the density of the old ways, there is a greater awakening of top down power and authority into what has been termed as our new golden age, the Aquarian age/ 5D, into greater Unity consciousness. The old ways of being are needing to shift and are shifting. I love working with those who are ready to remember, understand and align with who they are and here to be and express. Who are ready to experience and connect more fully to their Soul, intuitive abilities, stepping into their purpose, authenticity, into their own healing inner work. Who are called to elevating their consciousness, expanding their light, contributing to the planet and collective in our Great Awakening.

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Along my own journey I recognised the power of being connected to my intuition, my higher Soul self, my purpose and the power of my own mind. 

I was drawn deeply on a journey to learn about the healing and empowering modalities of the Akashic Records, psychic mediumship, intuition development, evolutionary astrology, and numerology. To understand myself, my souls purpose and path, gifts to lean into and challenging patterns.

I developed a deeper connection to my Soul, our true self, the part of you that is eternal, whole, expansive without boundaries knows our purpose and most aligned decisions and path. It is always guiding us and speaks to us through our intuitive senses- we hear the quiet whispers, feel the gut feelings, receive the deep knowings. Tuning in, trusting and following these we become more aligned and experience more fulfilment, flow and ease in our business and life. The tuning in and trust did take some time and practise, the remembering and development of my intuition, connecting to my Spirit team and guides took dedication to develop and support with mentors. Although we are all born with intuition and ability to connect, I have found with myself and clients it isnt often something that is valued and encouraged from childhood. My guides began to work with me spontaneously over twenty years ago as I was massaging and doing energy healing work with clients on my massage table. Whilst in a deeply relaxed state I was shown energy healing techniques and client’s loved ones in Spirit would often pop in requesting their messages be passed on (kinda inappropriate!) and my journey continued from there. Learning boundaries and refining my connection with guides was great foundational work in which I built on.

I realised the importance of doing my inner and shadow work, facing and going into traumas experienced in early childhood living with an alcoholic stepfather.

I discovered how my brain works, about harnessing the power of the subconscious mind which drives 95% of your behaviours, to create success. In learning about it I became aware of the power of identifying old unconscious beliefs that are in the way of creating the life we truly want and the next step in our business. 

Old limiting conditioning and programs that run quietly like software in the background. I learned techniques and tools like hypnosis and timeline therapy in updating them to supportive, more aligned and empowering ones. In order to create greater fulfilment, healing, ease, success and empowerment.

I believe we create our own reality, and love incorporating neuroscience and quantum principles in my life and work. Our consciousness is integral to expansion and success, who we are being, what we think and focus on we create more of. We are the thinker of our thoughts and holding that awareness, going within for guidance, shifting your attention to what it is you are desiring and creating the outcome we want. You and I are powerful. As humans we have free will, we can choose our programming to support us, we can choose our thoughts and emotional states. I learned many techniques and tools to help shift my energetic state, my emotions and approach my life and work in that higher state. As we are shifting into this new golden age we will be more aware and embodied of our inner power, this is a special and exciting time in which I believe we have chosen to experience and be apart of.

In the journey of connecting more deeply with my higher Soul self I was drawn to learning the empowering ancient tool of Astrology, specifically the lens being an evolutionary one. Utilising it to support both myself and others to align, heal, and understand ourselves with the story and the intention of our Souls journey, into purpose, our growth and evolvement. 

On a formal professional side I have been learning, experiencing, integrating diplomas, certifications and trainings over many years including: Akashic records, hypnotherapy, mindset coaching (YSM), evolutionary astrology, psychic mediumship and spiritual advising (Lisa Williams School), yoga teaching, massage, beauty and clinical aromatherapy, vibrational energy healing, emotional freedom technique (EFT), meditation, Time Techniques.

My intuition guides the way in all sessions and offerings and is an integral part to helping my clients achieve the wonderful transformative results.

I truly believe the key is the energetic and internal work for connection, alignment, expansion and success. 

I currently offer private 1:1 intuitive clarity and purpose coaching. Honed intuition and energy healing being my secret sauce in all my offerings which include private coaching three and six month programs. These coaching programs are offered in a unique style that incorporates going deeply within, understanding your Souls blueprint who you are, here to be, your talents and strengths to contribute to the world. Navigate the patterns and cycles in your life, shadow work shifting out into freedom, energetic work and healing with releasing blocks> We work also with the subconscious for powerful breakthroughs. These offerings are in the form of private sessions, with truly valuable free resources online and I look forward to serving you in any way I can. 

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”

-Albert Einstein


After experiencing a childhood with trauma and undergoing two operations as a teenager to remove a re-ocurring bone tumor’s in my leg, I was drawn directly from high school to the healing, wellbeing and spiritual realm. I began studying and practicing massage, beauty and clinical aromatherapy, vibrational healing then yoga teaching where my journey has deepened and unfolded for over twenty years.   

There came a point of time when my daughter was twelve months old when in my bedroom I held ( more like thrust) my hands up towards the Universe in surrender and utter exasperation, unable to find a path of serving with my work I loved, earning money to contribute to our family whilst choosing to be at home also with our two children.

I began a seven year journey of deep trust, being guided to do deep inner work, transformation, healing and empowerment. I felt firstly called to the Akashic Records, connect to my Soul, then a year long deep dive connecting and strengthening my intuition, to Spirit studying Psychic Mediumship (Lisa Williams School), continued with studying Hypnotherapy, Success and Mindset coaching (YSM) and the calling to Evolutionary Astrology and Numerology followed on. I was dedicated to my journey and would wake up at five am every morning to study before my two children would wake up. Surrendering and trusting has been a continual theme. Learning to be soul and self led, intuitive and studying ancient wisdom modalities has given me so much clarity, confidence and self empowerment and I hope to share it with others who are drawn.

“If you want to find the secrets to the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

-Nikola Telsa