How you can access your Akashic Records. Part 5 of 5 Akashic records series
HOW to access your the Akashic records.
You can open and access your own Akashic records anytime you feel called, anywhere. I recommend you first ground and centre, yourself be intentional and focused.
I choose to regularly enter my records both for higher perspective and guidance for myself and my business. You can set aside any amount of time you like, in the beginning you may like to set a timer.
You can access them at any time whether you are at home, in bed, in the car, at the beach or in nature. Once you have entered the records, practiced and are familiar with the energy it becomes easier.
I do recommend a dedicated space for your spiritual practice whether it is enter the records, meditate, yoga ect. I have found it builds up beautiful energy and raises the frequency in the space. I like to have my favourite crystals that are programmed and support me, a candle lit, high frequency music, sacred oils like rose, sandalwood, frankincense, lavender and a dash of sweet orange for uplifting and joy. Clearly my Taurean Sun LOVES to be engaged with the senses! Remember to clear the space too, my go to is an essential oil clearing mist. Sound healing too with the singing bowl, or from my favourite sound healer.
There are a variety of ways and methods you can enter the records, some are:
a particular prayer- I have channeled my own however there are different prayers to be found in a variety of books or online resources. It’s in the free Akashic records video.
visualisation and meditation-you can listen to a guided visualisation or guide yourself there.
setting the intention and taking your consciousness to the Akashic Realm and access your records.
There is no one perfect way for everyone. Try a few ways and see what is most natural to you. I have found that some people who are naturally gifted visually enjoy and find the visualisation easiest, others find the prayer works well and they naturally ‘sense’ when they are in the akashic records feeling the high vibrational energy of the Akashic realm and their Guides. Others set the intention expand their consciousness and receive a certainty and knowing they are in the frequency of the records.
Although it is simple it is a practice. It is not always easy. Some can access it quickly and receive messages, for others there’s doubt, confusion and a lack of clarity. I naturally have the gift to access the records I remember without realising tuning in when massaging clients on the table when in a meditational state. In my experience I found it easy to consciously access them after a period of developing my intuition, developing my meditation practice, understanding energy more deeply and learning to raise my frequency and consciousness. Keep practicing and strengthen your “ trust” muscle.
A tip if you are struggling to get to the high frequency, or experiencing doubt when accessing them and receiving accurate information, spend more time raising your frequency, relax and let go of expectations, and understand how you “ receive” information through your intuition, your senses. This is key to understanding your messages and gaining clarity. There are techniques to be able to receive more details in any general messages. Also acknowledging that you may experience the records differently that others. Ive had akashic record practitioners comment that they struggled for a long time with confidence and doubt because they didn’t experience them the same as their teacher or the course they took to learn them.
Would you like to learn and experience them more? After many years of diving into the records, various courses, books, mentors I have shared in a FREE value packed akashic records guide for you to understand them deeper and access your own. This is an amazing modality that everyone can tune into as an empowering, healing and navigational tool and to experience liberation, alignment and expansion.
It is part of my Souls mission to support and guide others to remember who they are and here to be, return to your heart and Soul, to be self led accessing their inner guidance. Clear out what is energetically holding them back so they can came into alignment with who they truly are, embody deeper their purpose and support, guide you in your awakening and ascension journey and in creating the shift to a better world.
From my heart to yours I invite you to download and use this PDF guide and guided meditation as I release it on my website in the opt in, home page or free resources.
If it calls to you to go deeper I offer personal sessions and coming up group learn to read your akashic records course, where you learn to raise your frequency, access the akashic realm and records, receive accurate information, understand the process more deeply, tune into and understand your intuition and refine your skills. Magic!
Lisa xx