3 great tips to receive clear and specific messages and guidance

Hello lovelies,

I wanted to write and and share some really helpful tips that has helped me professionally in my sessions and coaching. In my journey of developing my intuition training in psychic mediumship and deepening my channeling I would often feel frustrated when I was receiving general messages. I wanted clear specific guidance both for myself personally and for my clients. This can affect even the most experienced intuitive, channel or medium. Or I would find sometimes I would receive the most amazing detailed information and other days it was general and left me wondering and wanting more.

Here are three great and simple tips to help you whether you are just beginning your journey or experienced:

  • 1. Be in a clear energetic state.

Make it a daily practice to shift from “mind to heart”, clear yourself energetically, ground and centre yourself. Clear your meridians, chakras, energetic bodies (this can take ten seconds), ground yourself to the core of Mother Earth, connect yourself to Source and bring it all to the heart portal, opening and expanding. Ask for energetic shielding throughout the day and or for working with clients (every single client). I make this part of my morning practise and REALLY notice if my daughter wakes up early or Im tired and I forget. If you are not in a clear energetic state you arnt a clear channel for your messages and guidance to be received. Another important focus here is to have clear energetic boundaries so you arn’t absorbing other people and place energies for example their emotions or thoughts. Energetic hygiene is important and helps receive clear guidance and messages. 

  • 2. Build a relationship with your Higher Soul Self, Divine Source Intelligence ( God/Goddess, Universe-insert own definition) and Spirit/Cosmic team.

    Make it a regular practice, a devotion to tune in and connect. Record your experience and messages you receive. Having a dedicated journal is seriously GOLD!. Going back over months or year(s) is very insightful and trust building. Really tune into and notice, feel the vibration when you are connecting using all your senses. This helps to know when you are really connecting well during the day or when with clients. 

  • 3. Become aware and understand how you uniquely receive through your intuitive senses.

    A book or teacher maybe receiving differently and trying to emulate them is sure to feel frustrating. Take some time to learn the different intuitive senses and develop them. Take yourself back to your childhood and remember how you received as a child. Is your strongest sense hearing, feeling, knowing, seeing? Tune into the strongest one and then develop the others. I liken it to going to the gym or practising yoga, it takes some time, focus, dedication to develop them and become strong and sensitive. 

  • 4. Get specific- a bonus game changer.

    This is HUGE if you want specific you must be specific. One of my teachers and mentors once said to me “ its not Spirits fault when you ask general questions and receive general messages back”. It made alot of sense. Over time and practice my trust in Spirit is very strong. When I am in Akashic Record alignment or intuitive coaching session what Spirit shares is always correct. Its up to me to clarify and ask more questions or specifics if I or a client does not resonate or understand it. Occasionally I wont receive an answer to a specific question and Ive learned at this moment in time it is not in the highest good for myself or client to know right now. 

I encourage you to practise tuning in and developing your intuition and receive clear specific messages and guidance for yourself and for our clients if you are an entrepreneur. In the current world we are living in now its more imperative than ever to become empowered, to be intuitive, be self guided, to trust in yourself and what you know to be true. To seek your own internal guidance and compass over external guidance so you can move in alignment and experience more flow and ease.

And its fun! There is so much more to the world than the 3D, dive into the mysterious. We are multidimensional beings, a Soul having this earth human experience with the gift of our intuition to guide us. Liken reconnecting and fine tuning your intuition like the yoga or gym class, the more time energy and focus you spend on it, the more stronger and fine tuned, sensitive and refined your intuition is.

I invite you to work with me deeper with 1:1 sessions in offers and to access free resources coming up to support you in your journey. Love, Lisa x

(C) lisahallowes2022


What is intuition? Part 1 in Intuition 101 series


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