What is intuition? Part 1 in Intuition 101 series

Hey lovely Soul family, lets talk about intuition. The truth is that all human beings are intuitive. Every single one of us are intuitive beings. We are born intuitive. It is always supporting you throughout your day whether you are aware of it or not.

But what really is it I can hear you asking? In the intuition 101 blog series come journey with me as I dive into all things intuition to help you understand and reawaken and connect to yours to support you living your daily life with greater ease, joy, alignment and freedom.

Here are different perspectives, thoughts and hypothesis on what is and how as humans we perceive intuitive information.

Original Latin word of intuition is “a looking at, consideration” and tueri “to look at, watch over” (1.)

It can be described as our ability to know about the world around us without analytical conscious reasoning and thinking.

Intuition is the sudden fast insights you perceive just before your logical thinking begins, I experience it when I am listening to a client for example and I receive a sudden flash of of information for them or about a situation.

It is our survival system where we can make quick decisions to keep us alive.

I personally feel it is your internal compass, your inner guidance system. We are born intuitive, its innate and wired within us. We are meant to use our guidance system to support us making correct and aligned decisions in line with our highest path and purpose.

Its the language and voice of our Soul, our Higher Self. We are more than just our physical body and brain. There is a Universal Intelligence and science is now confirming what ancient cultures have taught with the exciting Quantum Physics and Unified Field theories giving us a way to understand it. We have access to this Universal Intelligence and information to support us making the best decisions as we travel on our life path. Our higher self has a higher perspective and knows everything about our life and is always lovingly guiding us.

Everything is energy, energy is information and we know that there is a quantum field of interconnectedness of all things, everyone and all things. Intuition is guiding and communicating with us continually, receiving information from the quantum field constantly.

In society intuition as well as emotions and creativity is not highly valued. What intuition is and how we perceive information is not well understood and often its not something that is given a lot of attention or focus to in our parenting, in the schooling system or workplace.

Value is put into our logical linear left brain, into thinking, reasoning into seeking outside of ourselves, of trusting authorities for guidance and answers. In what we can perceive with our five senses, the material world.

Intuition is utilised from our right side of the brain associated with our creativity and emotion its opposite to our analytical, logical linear left side.

We often ignore our intuitive messages, sometimes because its subtle and fleeting, we haven’t developed trust in it or because we don’t like what the information is and don’t want to know the truth.

Successful people use it in their decision making. They may call it by different names such as gut instinct, inner knowing, spider senses and make quick fast decisions. I have friends who have told me they use it in their work as a Nurse, Doctor and Firefighters.

Intuition is not fully understood however science is making headway especially drawing on Quantum Physics and Unified Field where exploration of true nature of consciousness, what the Universe is made and the interconnection of all things.

Tuning into our intuition makes decision making easier, we feel more creative and inspired, less stressed releasing those looping thoughts and an overactive mind. We develop deeper connection to ourselves, more trust and have a greater sense of sovereignty.

It helps us to understand and move around in the world with more ease and grace. It helps support our relationships, our health, work, businesses and our wealth.

I lovingly invite you to work more deeply with me with 1:1 sessions and coaching found in offers on my website and enjoy the free resources I have created to support you.

Lisa xxx


1. Etymonline.com/word/intuition


How does intuition show up? Part 2 Intuition 101


3 great tips to receive clear and specific messages and guidance