How does intuition show up? Part 2 Intuition 101
We are wired with intuition and it is our inner guidance system to support us throughout each day in making correct decisions inline with our highest path and purpose.
Our intuitive intelligence speaks to us through our inner senses often named sixth sense with information.
It is always supportive and loving, giving us information throughout our day such as:
A gut instinct about a person or place.
A little voice in our ear.
A strong impulse to do something ( and later realise it benefits us).
A sudden knowing.
A flash of an image which passes quickly through your mind.
The four main ways it speaks to us, the way we perceive information is:
clear feeling
clear hearing
clear seeing
clear knowing
Each of us have our own unique intuitive language, we have different strengths of the four main ones above. We firstly perceive the information and then interpret it. It takes practice and experimenting to develop deeper connection, greater clarity and strength.
To remember how to work with it, to understand and get better working with it, it just like learning a musical instrument or learning to sing.
In modern society today our days are busy. When we take time to slow down, be present and tune into our inner world we can get to know and understand how it speaks to us, to listen and begin acting on it to develop more trust in it. I believe the way forward in the new world we live in is developing our intuitive intelligence, becoming self aware and elevating our consciousness.
Tips to improving your intuition:
Intentionally create daily space for stillness. Commit to connecting and strengthening your intuition, just like you would go to the gym consistently to develop muscle strength.
Being more present-this can be simple, it can be closing your eyes and coming from our mind to our heart with two to four deep inhale and exhales through our nose. We shift from the logical thoughts which are often looping around and around and coming back to our body. If you are wanting to receive intuitive information ask a good question and notice the very first flash of information that comes in…before the thinking mind does. Its instant and leaves quickly.
Noticing the sensations- tuning into how your body feels for information, notice where the feelings are living. What sensations are you perceiving? Is it a light expanded feeling that feels good? Or a sinking constricting feeling which is the opposite? Are you feeling tightness or butterflies in your gut ( your second brain)? Notice your energy around people, what is your body communicating to you?
Develop understanding, validation and trust- by committing to noting all your intuitive “hits’ in a journal, the notes app on your phone. Recording this is fantastic way to look back on the day or week and see where, what and how you have perceived information and what was correct.
Act on it, this is how to develop trust. Be curious, experiment and act on every piece of intuitive guidance you perceive, recording it and notice how it is supporting all areas of your life.
Using your intuitive intelligence and prioritising that first then use your intellectual logical mind can help to improve your life by more ease and flow and less stress. It supports you in improving your connections and relationships, making better health choices, making quicker correct decisions at work or in your business, and achieving your goals. It helps to navigate life’s challenges and feel more empowered.
I lovingly invite you to work more deeply with me with 1:1 sessions and coaching found in offers on my website and enjoy the free resources I have created to support you.
Lisa xxx