Why develop your intuition? Part 3 Intuition 101

Some of biggest benefits of developing and trusting your intuition is the clarity and confidence it gives us which is very empowering in all areas of our lives. Being self led trusting our own inner guidance is life changing rather than what we have been taught to do of seeking outside authorities for our answers.

You are most likely reading my blog if you are on your Spiritual path. “Knowing thyself” is a foundational integral part of our spiritual lives. Ancient cultures and philosophisers all talk about this in their own way, how practicing inner listening, connecting to yourself at your essence the basis of developing wisdom and intelligence.

My journey began over twenty five years ago as a bodyworker and healer, however in the last cycle of spiritual awakening, I was guided to ‘knowing thyself’ deeper when I was shown by Spirit to develop my intuition first as the foundation. Then study the akashic records, astrology and numerology which I highly recommend as tools, it has been such an amazing and pivotel part of my own spiritual journey.

In reconnecting to our intuition and most importantly following it, it supports us to really walk our own unique individual path and be tuned into our purpose.

Some benefits to us developing and trusting in our intuition include:








Being intuitive is also is a key in our collective shift into a better new world. I truly feel its so important to reconnect to our inner guidance as the foundation to our changing world in creating a balanced peaceful world. “As within so without” is part of the laws of the Universe. We have never lived in a time where there is so much unbalance and disconnection- with ourselves, others, nature and our world. There is a need now to live more wisely and harmoniously in our current chaotic, uncertain and information overloaded time to better thrive as a collective.

* We receive clarity as we tune in and follow our guidance, which is always supporting us in our highest path and purpose. We reconnect to our deeper part of ourselves, the essence of us which is key to knowing ourselves. This is part of remembering who we really are.

*Confidence builds as it becomes easier to make aligned correct decisions navigating our life and the world, with less confusion an overwhelm.

*Alignment in our life is experienced when making correct decisions with our inner guidance and life flows with more ease.

*We feel more empowered to listen to ourselves and know our own truth. Being self led rather than sourcing a lot of outside opinions from others whether it be authorities, family, friends- which all have their place once you have connected within. We have been conditioned to trust outside authorities in our society over our own guidance stemming from being a child, our mainstream parenting and schooling system emphasis this. Ancient wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years tells us the importance of making time to be quiet and listen to own inner voice.

*Feel more successful, more inspired, fulfilled and happier when you are in the path of greater flow with less struggle and resistance. I have found when I make decisions based on my logical left brain only or have goals that have been made with what I thought was correct for me I experience more struggle and difficulty. Moving from my intuition seems to have always worked out well.

*Feel a greater sense of wellbeing with less stress negatively impacting the mind body and soul. Being in a state of greater ease and relaxation where the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant over the fight/flight sympathetic nervous system. There is a greater sense of safety that we are connected and not in separation.

*Experience greater happiness being confident, of having faith and trust that your life is being Divinely guided. Guided in line with your Souls blueprint and plan; remembering that you are a divine Soul in a physical human body. A spark of the the Divine itself and is always being supported and guided. Its a daily practice of tuning in, understanding how your unique intuition works, develop and strengthen it by persistently acting on it.

As we are birthed into our new and better world returning back to connection with ourselves, listening and following our intuition will ultimately support us in our highest path and purpose, feel empowered and give greater clarity and confidence in our lives.

I invite you to book a 1:1 session more support with developing your intuition, look out for the coming free Intuition masterclass to support you further, the intuition 101 course and more blogs. Currently you will find me mostly on Instagram, come say hi!

Lisa xxx


How does intuition show up? Part 2 Intuition 101