Where are the Akashic Records? Part 2 of 5

In this second post in the five part series we explore where the Akashic Records and the Akashic Realm is.

WHERE are the Akashic Records and realm?

Knowing everything is energy and energy is information, the Akashic realm is all around and within us. It is always available in any moment to access no matter where you are, its a matter of your awareness and consciousness to access them.

Akasha a Sanskrit word can be translated to mean open space, sky, ether.

Everyone can access their own records once in a higher frequency state of consciousness.

The Akashic realm is in a high frequency of space tuned into through the heart with pure intent.

I understand this realm to exist from the 5th dimension of unconditional love and unity and up to the realm or field closest to divine Source, God, Goddess ( insert your own definition).

When you tune in and connect to the Akashic realm /field you will become aware of a particular sensation, feeling as you raise your energy to connect. For me it’s in the higher heart and crown area. Everyone will feel this uniquely.

Follow on in the part three blog post with “why go into the Akashic records?”

Sending love,

Lisa xx


Why access your own Akashic Records? Part 3 of 5


What are the Akashic Records? Part 1 of 5